General contracting & construction services
Our select General Contractor partners will bring your dream project into reality. Our team works with experienced contractors with any budgets and manages projects from remodeling to turn-key construction.
As every project and geographic location is unique and requires local knowledge we at Katana are always selecting the right contractor for the job.
What we can do for you:
- provide construction and design supervision and guidelines to local contractors
- complete general construction services management with our certified contractor partners, if available in your area
- help with contractor selection and bid set preparation for your project
- panel installation and foundation works for our prefab panelized systems so your local contractor can take over from there
- specialized installation services of all other product groups, based on regional availability
- or technology training for your contractor to install our systems once an order is placed for a house and local installer is chosen
As every project and geographic location is unique and requires local knowledge we at Katana are always selecting the right contractor for the job.
What we can do for you:
- provide construction and design supervision and guidelines to local contractors
- complete general construction services management with our certified contractor partners, if available in your area
- help with contractor selection and bid set preparation for your project
- panel installation and foundation works for our prefab panelized systems so your local contractor can take over from there
- specialized installation services of all other product groups, based on regional availability
- or technology training for your contractor to install our systems once an order is placed for a house and local installer is chosen